When to go?

The best time to visit Seattle is from June to September, when the weather is mild to warm with little risk of rain. However, this does not rule out visiting the Pacific Northwest during other months of the year!

Therefore, if you want to avoid too many crowds and keep your budget low, it wouldn’t be the worst idea to head to Seattle in the shoulder months of April-May or September-October.

What to see?

“The Pacific Northwest is for the coffee junkies.”

Seattle, the city of innovation and technology, has always been on my travel bucket list. Finally, I had the chance to visit this beautiful city and explore its hidden gems. I was excited to meet my engineering friends Ruturaj and Aishwarya who are Seattle residents. It was great to see them after such a long time and explore the city together.

Seattle is a beautiful city with streets full of colorful buildings, bustling with people and energy. I couldn't resist capturing the beauty of the streets on my camera. The vibe of the city is just amazing, surrounded by tech companies and startups, it's like a hub of innovation and creativity.

We used the city pass to explore the famous attractions of Seattle. Kerry Park was undoubtedly the highlight of our trip. The view of the city skyline from the park was breathtakingly beautiful. It was surreal to see the Space Needle and other landmarks up close.

It was a bright and sunny day when I decided to venture into Seattle's famous Pike Place Market. As a food and travel enthusiast, I was excited to explore the variety of cuisine, local stores, and jewelry that the market had to offer. Little did I know that I was in for an adventure that I would never forget!

As I made my way through the bustling crowds, I was immediately struck by the vibrant energy of the place. The smells of freshly brewed coffee, sweet pastries, and spicy street food filled the air, and the sound of street performers added to the festive atmosphere.

My first stop was the original Starbucks, which was located right in the heart of the market. As I stepped inside, I could feel the history of the place. The rustic decor, old-fashioned coffee machines, and wooden tables gave the store a cozy and welcoming vibe. I ordered a signature Pike Place coffee and sipped on it while I planned my next move.

As I walked through the market, I was amazed by the variety of local stores and boutiques. From handmade jewelry to artisan cheeses, there was something for everyone. I couldn't resist the urge to try some of the delicious treats that the vendors were selling, and I found myself indulging in some of the freshest seafood I've ever tasted.

As I explored the different stalls, I came across a hidden gem – a tiny store that specialized in vintage and antique jewelry. The owner was a lovely woman who shared stories about each piece and the history behind it. I was captivated by the beauty of the intricate designs and ended up buying a vintage necklace as a souvenir.

My next stop was the spice market, where I was overwhelmed by the aromas of exotic spices from around the world. I sampled some of the different blends and learned about the various uses of each one. The vendors were friendly and knowledgeable, and I left with a bag full of spices that I couldn't wait to try in my own cooking.

As the day went on, I found myself wandering through the market, taking in all the sights and sounds around me. From street performers to vendors calling out their wares, there was never a dull moment. As the sun began to set, I sat down at a café and watched as the market slowly emptied out.

Reflecting on my day at Pike Place Market, I realized that it was more than just a place to shop and eat – it was a cultural experience that gave me a glimpse into the heart and soul of Seattle. The memories of the delicious food, unique finds, and friendly people will stay with me forever. I can't wait to go back and explore even more of this vibrant and exciting city!

We also visited Bellevue, a beautiful neighborhood of Seattle, known for its amazing food. We tried some great Indian food that was so delicious it made my taste buds dance. One thing that surprised me the most was the number of homeless people in Seattle, it was heart-wrenching to see homeless people everywhere. It made me realize the harsh reality of life for some people. We didn't even have to pay for the bus fare, as the shuttles were filled with homeless people. They were wandering around aimlessly, and it made me realize how privileged I am.

One of the most memorable experiences of my Seattle trip was hiking to West Tiger Mountain in heavy rain. The hike was challenging, but the rain made the experience even more exciting. The lush green forests and cascading waterfalls made it worth the effort. We were drenched, but the feeling of accomplishment after reaching the summit was unbeatable.

During my visit, I went on several hikes, including the Cascade Pass Trail and the Diablo Lake Trail. The trails offered stunning views of the rugged mountains, pristine alpine lakes, and glistening glaciers. The sound of cascading waterfalls and chirping birds provided the perfect background music for my hikes. North Cascades National Park is a true gem of the Pacific Northwest region. I recently had the pleasure of exploring this pristine wilderness and capturing its serene beauty through my camera lens. From towering snow-capped peaks to crystal-clear alpine lakes and cascading waterfalls, the park's diverse landscapes offer endless opportunities for photography.

On my way back from the national park we visited the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival, which takes place every year in April. The festival showcases millions of blooming tulips in a rainbow of colors, and it's a photographer's paradise. I was in awe of the stunning fields of tulips stretching as far as the eye could see, and the fragrance of the flowers was simply intoxicating.

As a photographer, there is no greater feeling than seeing your work appreciated and recognized by others. That's why I was over the moon when I found out that one of my photos was going to be published in the famous blog page, 6AM Sea Today.

There it is– my photograph, prominently featured on the top of the page. The caption read, "We’re only a little biased when we say Seattle is the best. | Photo by @omkar_dixit_07." I couldn't believe it – my work was being showcased for thousands of people to see and appreciate.

As the days went by, my photo continued to receive attention and appreciation on the blog and on social media. It was an incredible honor to be featured on 6AM Sea Today.

Seattle was a city that I had always wanted to visit, but it wasn't until I actually got there that I realized just how much it had to offer. By immersing myself in the local culture and experiencing new things, I was able to gain a deeper appreciation for the world around me and the people in it.

It was an eye-opening and transformative experience that left me with a newfound sense of curiosity and wonder. I can't wait to see where my travels take me next and what lessons I will learn along the way.

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