When to go?

This is one of the best hikes in Madison County. You'll need to get up early, especially on summer and fall weekends, to guarantee a spot on this popular trail.

Where to stay?

I can feel the excitement running through my veins as I recall my recent adventure at Old Rag Mountain. Hiking is my escape from the mundane routine of life, and the Old Rag trail is the perfect spot for a quick yet challenging getaway. Old Rag Mountain is a 3,284 feet mountain near Sperryville in Madison County, Virginia. The park entrance fee is reasonable, $30 per vehicle, $25 per motorcycle and $15 per individual providing entry for seven consecutive days' validity makes it even better..

If you are looking for a place to stay between hiking, I advise you to book it in advance and plan a stay before a hectic hike. We stayed at Graves Mountain Farm & Lodges for 2 nights. Rates for the night is roughly around $153/night. You get a stunning scenic view out of your room (both outside and inside)

What to see?

We planned to start our trek early in the morning, but I had an important meeting that caused a delay of two hours. Nevertheless, the hike was worth every minute of delay. The Old Rag trail is challenging, with switchback trails and rock scrambling, making it an adventure for adults and even adventurous kids.
The breathtaking 360° view of the Shenandoah Mountains was a reward for all our efforts.

Weather: Windy
Temperature: 7degreeC
Time Duration: 7-8 Hours.
Length: 9.8 Miles/ 15.77Kms

I love to push myself to new limits and explore the world in all its glory. The hike on Old Rag Mountain is a popular trail that stretches over nine miles, and it's known for its challenging terrain and unpredictable weather. I had heard a lot about it and decided to take on the challenge.

The day started off cold and windy, and I felt my stomach grumbling as I realized that I had packed less food than I should have.
I shrugged it off and started walking towards the trail-head.

The first few miles were relatively easy, and I found myself enjoying the beauty of the surroundings. But as we started to climb higher, the trail became steeper and more challenging. The wind grew stronger, and the temperature dropped, making it difficult to resist in the cold.

We continued to hike, taking breaks every now and then to rest and catch our breath. As we reached the summit, we were met with a breathtaking view that made all the struggles worth it. We sat down and took in the beauty of the landscape, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.

However, the journey wasn't over yet. As we started to descend, we realized that we had taken a wrong turn and ended up on an endless trail that seemed to go on forever. Our food supplies were running low, and we were exhausted, but we knew we had to keep going.

We pushed ourselves to keep walking, hoping that we would find the right trail soon. The terrain was treacherous, and we had to be careful not to slip on the rocks. The cold weather made it challenging to keep our spirits up, but we persevered.

After what seemed like an eternity, we finally found the right trail, and we let out a collective sigh of relief. We walked towards the trail-head, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.

In the end, the hike on Old Rag Mountain was a challenging but rewarding experience. It taught me the importance of perseverance, determination, and preparedness when facing difficult situations. Despite the cold weather, less food, and endless trails, I came out of the experience feeling stronger, both physically and mentally.

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