ABC Bank (Design Challenge)

Type :

Design Challenge

Skills :

- Quantitative User Research
- Competitive Analysis
- Dashboard Design
- Usability Testing
- Presentation to stakeholder

Tools used :

Figma, Flaticons, Adobe Suite, Miro, Optimal Workshop.

Duration :

3 Days

This is the User Experience (UX) Case Study for a Design Challenge that I recently completed as part of an interview process at an fintech firm.

Design Challenge :

You are a design consultant working with Bank ABC to improve their online banking system's web version. The goal is to design a new feature that provides customers with comprehensive insights into their credit or debit card usage and behavior. The feature should empower customers to make informed financial decisions and manage their cards effectively.

- Design a dashboard that provides customers with an overview.
- Interactive prototype with present important feature workflow (you pick)
- Focus on the workflow (UX/UI) instead of color choices

Design Process :

Design Process :

01 Discovery

As a design consultant working at ABC Bank, I recognized the significance of collaboration in UX projects and sought valuable input from stakeholders and users. Although the assignment was individual, I understood the importance of incorporating different perspectives. To achieve this, I engaged two of my roommates, assigning them roles as stakeholders and users. Through insightful interviews, I gained diverse viewpoints, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of user needs and aligning the project with stakeholder goals. This collaborative approach allowed me to design a user-centered solution that met both user and business requirements effectively.

02 User Research

The first step was to conduct a survey and understand our users and their potential needs and pain points to craft a solution. The user survey pointed out some key characteristics in the way most people organize their finance.
I conducted interviews with potential 14 users. Also, designed questionnaires and received about 50+ responses. This helped me better understand the users' pain points and needs.

The data revealed several pain points experienced by users and highlighted their diverse approaches towards managing their finances. To address these challenges effectively, I incorporated a user-centric approach by asking them a key question: "What's that one feature that can make your life easier?" This question often led to identifying a suitable solution for the problem statement, allowing me to design a feature that resonated with users and significantly improved their banking experience.

Following data presented provides compelling evidence to support our findings and design decisions. The numbers illustrate the impact of user-centric approach, showcasing the positive outcomes achieved through the implementation of user feedback and insights. With these data-driven results, we can demonstrate how our UX design strategies have effectively addressed user pain points, enhanced customer satisfaction, and contributed to the overall success of the project.

I would like to emphasize four key questions from the questionnaire that have helped us gain valuable insights into our target audience, including their occupations and affiliations with other banks. These questions have been instrumental in conducting a competitive analysis, enabling us to identify the offerings of other banks and areas where ABC Bank may be lagging. Through this analysis, we aim to discover ABC Bank's unique selling points (USPs) that set us apart from our competitors and further enhance our user experience to meet and exceed our customers' expectations.

03 User Persona

We introduce two user personas, Sarah and David, who are fictitious characters representing a diverse and large pool of our audience at ABC Bank. Utilizing user personas has been essential in adopting a user-centric approach throughout our design process. By understanding Sarah and David's pain points and needs, we have been able to identify potential solutions that resonate with our broader user base. These personas have served as valuable guiding tools, ensuring that our UX design efforts prioritize user satisfaction and deliver a seamless and tailored banking experience for all our customers.

04 Ideation

I embarked on an analysis of the user research data to identify key problems faced by our users. Following this, I conducted brainstorming sessions to generate potential solutions. I translated these ideas into rough sketches, visualizing various concepts that aimed to address the defined problems effectively. This iterative design process allowed me to explore multiple possibilities and lay the foundation for developing user-centered solutions that cater to our users' needs and preferences.

We explore David's journey through four scenarios.
In the first scenario, David, a hardworking family guy with numerous responsibilities, faces challenges managing his finances amidst his 9-5 job.

The second scenario, highlights the frustrations caused by a time-consuming banking system, leading David to procrastinate and miss payments.

In the third scenario, David's friends recommend ABC Bank for its seamless experience and efficient income vs. expenses budgeting.

As a result, in the fourth scenario, David switches to ABC Bank, experiencing a significant improvement in his financial management. Now, he spends only 5 minutes a week paying bills and tracking his finances, making his life more manageable and stress-free.

ABC Bank's user-centric approach and streamlined services have successfully addressed David's pain points, resulting in a positive and rewarding user experience.

The next crucial phase in the design process involved organizing and structuring the app, which is known as Information Architecture. To begin, I defined the app's minimum requirements and deliverables by crafting User Stories. Creating User Flows and a Sitemap followed, which effectively outlined the app's navigation and overall structure.

05 Visual Design

This is the most exciting part of the design process. This is also the most comprehensive and crucial project stage as it involves designing detailed mockups of the app, designing the logo, choosing an appropriate color scheme, and setting up the style guide to position the brand's presence.


After gathering all the user and business requirements. With a wealth of valuable insights at hand, I dived into the ideation phase, throwing innovative ideas onto a blank canvas. Leveraging the UX flow, I skillfully sketched out a range of creative concepts, setting the foundation for designing high-fidelity mock ups. This iterative process allowed me to refine and craft a visually compelling and user-friendly design, ensuring the final product meets and exceeds both user expectations and business objectives.

Design System :

The focus on data elements led to the strategic choice of a light color palette. This approach aimed to ensure clear communication of important actions and information through color hierarchy. After careful consideration, I opted for a light blue color scheme, symbolizing a sense of peace and calmness. Moreover, light blue is commonly associated with trustworthiness and reliability, aligning well with the platform's purpose of instilling confidence and assurance in users when handling their financial matters.

ABC Bank's platform, catering to a diverse target audience was a key consideration. To ensure accessibility for all users, I diligently adhered to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 while designing the platform. By incorporating WCAG 2.0 guidelines, I aimed to create an inclusive user experience that accommodates individuals with different abilities, making the platform usable and enjoyable for everyone. The focus on accessibility reflects ABC Bank's commitment to providing an inclusive and user-friendly financial platform for all its customers.

Main Features:

06 Retrospective

Successful Alignment with Diverse Audience: By following the WCAG 2.0 guidelines, the platform's design achieved accessibility for a wide-ranging audience. The user-centric approach prioritized inclusivity, allowing all customers, regardless of their abilities, to access and utilize the platform effectively.

Positive Impact of Light Color Palette: The decision to use a light blue color palette proved to be advantageous in conveying important actions and information through color hierarchy. This choice resonated well with the platform's purpose, fostering a sense of trustworthiness and reliability among users when managing their financial matters.

Designing for Enhanced User Experience: With the strategic incorporation of a light color palette and adherence to accessibility guidelines, the platform achieved an elevated user experience. The thoughtful design ensured seamless navigation and clear communication of data elements, empowering users to interact with the platform comfortably and confidently, contributing to increased customer satisfaction and engagement.

© 2022. Designed & Developed by Omkar Dixit.