
Role :

UX/UI Designer

Key Contribution:

- Create Information Architecture
- Competitive Market Analysis
- Content Inventory
- Hi-fi Mockups

Tools used :

Adobe XD, Flaticons

Team :

2 Members

Duration :

3 Months

Project Overview :

With loads of sites and applications which give music experience, there are likewise internet business stages where clients can purchase merchandise from music artists. SoundFlow proposes to give online business just a music experience to its clients. On SoundFlow, music fans can tune in to their favorite artist's music, purchase their product and get updates about recent events and tours of the artists. It gives curated tunes and playlists of the craftsmen. It causes clients to get pertinent data about the specialists and their virtual reality tours/events. With lots of new virtual events happening, this project also plans to provide a virtual reality concert experience with events and parties of the artists. Get boundless access to sound and video tracks of your preferred artist with no interference.

Background :

This research study includes the new music application called 'Soundflow' and the IX design and information architecture of it. We have included the testing strategies and processes that we performed.

Research :

When Spotify launched in 2006, it was clear that the music industry needed some help. Today streaming accounts for 75% of how we listen to music. By the time you're reading this, Spotify will have roughly 198–210 million users worldwide. 83 million of them are paid subscribers with numbers expecting to reach 95–100 million by early 2019. With almost twice the number of subscribers as Apple Music, Spotify will remain to be the leader in the paid music streaming market. Plainly Spotify is ruling the music world, yet how are consumers feeling about Spotify and how is it at last affecting music, and how we access it?

I knew these were tough questions to ask. We analyzed the market and performed a competitive analysis to get a broad view of all the music platforms. The analysis made us realize that all these applications have lots of ads, lower audio quality, cluttered UI, and users have to pay more for everything, which is unacceptable.

Major Content Item :

We initially proposed to include the following content items as per our requirements and research data. The major content items include the Search page, Artist Profile, and User Profile.

Testing Strategies :

We organized the content and performed two methods of testing using Optimal Workshop to achieve successful and user-friendly navigation. We created the content inventory in which different cards were created, these cards were later used to perform the first round of Hybrid Card sorting in which participants organized different cards under a category or created a new category as per their understanding. Results from the card sorting were analyzed and two rounds of Tree jack test were performed which helped in creating a sitemap for the website.

Testing Process :

Creating Content Inventory
To create a content inventory we researched various music platforms like Spotify, Shazam, and Amazon music to get ideas about what content can be useful for our project. We defined primary goals that we wanted to achieve from our website. We created categories and labels from our user research data and created a content inventory with different levels.

Hybrid Card Sorting
The first round of card sorting was successfully completed by 5 participant's. We planned on recruiting 8 participants for the test and discarded 3 participant's data because of incomplete testing. The test included 28 cards and 6 predefined categories. Also, users were allowed to create their own category for the cards. The test included pre-study questions which helped us better understand and categorize the participants.

Individual task results were :

Task 1 details regarding events:

80% of the participants successfully completed the task while 20% of participants failed to complete the task. i.e. 4 out of 5 participants successfully completed the tasks. Also, the directness of the task was 100% by the total 4 successful participants

Task 2: looking for a new song/artist to listen:

100% of participants successfully completed the task which was a direct success.

Task 3: see the posts of your friends or what your favorite artists are posting:

The success rate of the task was 100% out of which 60% was direct success.

Task 4: purchase merchandise:

80% of the participants failed this task to find merchandise. We planned to improve this task so that participants find it easy to look for merchandise.

Task 5: find the playlist you created:

80% of the participants successfully completed the task of finding the playlist with directness of 80%.

First Click testing :

We performed first click testing for two tasks and achieved 100% success with the tasks. Two primary tasks we tested were searching for a song and finding the news feed tab.

Low Fidelity Wireframes:

Software used : Adobe XD

High Fidelity Wireframes:

Software used : Adobe XD

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